You probably have at least one friend who touts the benefits of yoga—how it lowers blood pressure, releases stress, builds strength, relieves aches and pains and increases flexibility. As yoga has become more mainstream, you may have wondered whether you should give it a try. But where to begin? So Continue Reading
BREAKING BAD – Get Rid of the Habits Holding You Back
Everybody has at least one habit that’s worth ditching, whether it’s over-caffeinating, skipping exercise, excessive spending, smoking, drinking too much, biting fingernails, being on a smartphone 24 hours a day or engaging in gossip. Anything that takes you in the opposite direction of your goals—or doesn’t contribute to your development Continue Reading
OWN IT – 9 Things You Can Do to Gain Confidence
Impostor syndrome: it’s a new term, but hardly a new phenomenon. It’s the feeling psychologists describe as sheer disbelief in one’s own accomplishments. People afflicted by this condition assess their achievements and dismiss them all as a fluke or just a guise for their own inadequacies. Sooner or later, they’re Continue Reading
Boost your brain power. Ever go to the grocery store for a specific item, then return home to realize that you forgot it? Are you always forgetting dates, phone numbers, appointments and other details? Does your mind wander when it’s time to buckle down on a task at work? From Continue Reading